My silver hazelnuts across the UK and the world

Since I was commissioned in 2009  to make 21 as prizes, I’ve made over 80 of my silver hazelnuts and sold 75 so far. They are incorporated into jewellery from cufflinks to key fobs, but most are pendants.

Silver hazelnut keyring keyfob
Silver hazelnut keyring

Of those 75, as far as I know

  • One went to France
  • One went to Germany
  • One went to Spain
  • Six are in Australia
  • Two went to Canada
  • One is in Japan
  • Three are in the USA

The remainder are in the UK – from the Shetland Islands south.

I like it when people tell me why they were bought.  Often it is for or in memory of someone call ‘Hazel’, occasionally associations with Julian of Norwich or just personal memories.

The lastest crop of full hazelnuts will be ready during January 2021.

Please if you live outside the UK email me for a price – don’t use the shop system.