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Butterfly brooch
Pierced brooch Iceland brooch Rings brooch Roman brooch
Sun brooch Washer brooch Scarf woggle Light rain shower brooch Labyrinth brooch
Fused brooch Treble clef brooch Cat brooches
Quaver brooch
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Cat brooch

Cat brooch with gold collar Cat brooch with gold kum Silver cat brooch
Kathy and Richard Shock allow me to share Artweeks with them.  Kathy is an artist and did a theme on 'cats'.  This series of brooches is based on one of her cat drawings. I've used the technique of Keum-boo to add gold foil to the left and centre images - they are actually fine silver.  The top thumbnail shows a cat facing the other way -they are all about 4cm high.

Treble clef brooch

Treble clef brooch
With a 9ct rose gold tip - about 5 cm tall.

Quaver brooch

Quavers brooch 1 Quavers brooch 2  
The quavers are about 2 cm - quite small really.

Enamelled butterfly brooch

Butterfly brooch

A simple pierced butterfly shape on a textured backing with millifiori enamel in the wing spaces.

Pierced brooch

Pierced brooch

The brooch is pierced from a single sheet. It has a folded catch with offset hole to grip the pin and provide extra security. Careful hammering provides the texture.

Roman brooch

Roman brooch

Inspired by a case of variants of this type of cloak clasp in the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, this brooch is fabricated from heavy wire and sheet for the body, and tube and square section wire for the pin. The square section is twisted for added strength.

Sun brooch

Sun brooch

This brooch has a piece of domed sheet soldered into a centre hole and punched rays. The edge is formed round and there is texturing between the rays. The hallmarking is visible at 'eight o'clock'.

Rings brooch

Rings brooch

A simple but effective design with different textures adding to the depth of the piece.

Iceland brooch

Iceland broochrc
This brooch is a commission piece and is a silhouette of Iceland which is where the recipient worked on her PhD. The island is pierced from sheet and sweated onto a background, which was then textured.

Washer brooch

Washer brooch

This brooch was originally the test piece for the lapped washer bracelet. However, once that commission was completed, this length was too good to go in the scrap box! It's now hallmarked and a work in its own right.

Fibreglass rolled brooch

Fibreglass rolled brooch
A triangle of coarse fibreglass was rolled onto the silver to produce this unique brooch.

Scarf woggle

Scarf woggle
Not exactly a brooch, but something to help keep a scarf or necktie in place.

Cloud brooch

Light rain shower brooch
A representation of the Met Office symbol for light rain shower - with sun, cloud and rain you can't really go wrong! The brooch is about 4.5 cm wide and uses gold leaf for the sun. The rain drop is sulphided black, though it doesn't show well in the photo. In this version the cloud is finished matt, the versions below are - all silver bright - all silver matt - gold sun embossed.
All silver bright cloud brooch
All silver matt cloud brooch
Gold sun embossed cloud brooch

Labyrinth brooch

Labyrinth brooch

This is the brooch from the St Michael's set. The labyrinth is photoetched. It is about 50 mm in diameter. I can etch other designs and make other sizes. Other items from the labyrinth set

Fused brooch

Fused brooch
An striking freeform brooch with a pin fitting.



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